COVID 19 Resources

We’re here to keep you safe while visiting St. Germain. We’re so glad you’re here!

We value our ability to bring people together for advocacy, networking, education and celebrations. Chambers are conveners and connectors. However, our first priority is the safety and security of our members, partners, staff and community. Today we are sharing some answers to the most frequently asked questions we’re hearing from our members.

Is the Chamber cancelling events? We will be evaluating whether to cancel, postpone or reschedule future events on a case-by-case basis.

Are you taking precautions at your meetings and events?
We are making modifications to currently scheduled events – discouraging hand shaking/other contact, supplying hand sanitizer and working with our hosts to minimize risks. Please stay home if you are feeling sick. We will continue to monitor and update you via our communication channels. 

How are you determining which events to cancel?
We’re monitoring reports from local and national health agencies and consulting with our host venues, sponsors, and Board of Directors. We are advising our members to do the same. While bringing people together is our business, our first priority is safety and security.

What are area businesses doing?
They are taking the necessary precautions to deal with this unique event. Some are restricting travel and limiting access to their buildings. There are a number of great resources available for business leaders who are making these important decisions about safeguarding the health of their employees, customers and suppliers. We ask that everyone be respectful to each other during this time.

IRS Issues guidance on President’s employee payroll tax deferral regime

Reopen Guidelines: Relief and Recovery Resources for your Business

Intuit – Helping Small Businesses Navigate Government Aid & Relief Programs

Returning to Work: 8 Steps to Keep Employees Safe – Wisconsin Safety Council

WEDC- Rising to Challenges: Navigating Through COVID-19 in Wisconsin